If you are getting ready to sell your house you might be wondering if you should sell it yourself, or if you should hire a realtor to help you out. Although it does sound appealing to save the money on the commission, most people lose more money in the long run when not hiring an agent. This is because the agent knows what to do to better advertise and sell your home. Here are some reasons to hire an agent:
1. Better Foot Traffic
One of the main reasons to hire an agent is that they will bring people into your home who are interested buyers. One of the first obstacles to selling a house is getting it advertized correctly. A real estate agent has access to databases and websites that you cannot get on your own. When you hire an agent they will have your house uploaded to all of these sites so that more people are seeing it; and not just anyone, people who are actually serious about buying a house. The more people you get in the house for a showing the more likely you are to get offers on it and get a better deal. The more offers, the more you can leverage and make more money on the home.
2. Better Presentation
Another reason to hire an agent is that they will give you better ideas on how to present yourself. Getting people into the house is the first obstacle, the second is presenting the house in a way that is appealing to the buyer. An agent knows what is selling, they know how to rearrange the furniture, they know which pictures to put up and take down to make it more appealing to the masses and so forth. You can have great buyers in the house, but if you don't present it right, you could lose all of them.
3. Better Negotiation
A real estate agent knows the market. They know what is selling and for what price. They can help to negotiate the deal so that you don't have to worry about it. They will go to bat for you to make sure that you are getting the best possible deal. Many people are uncomfortable with negotiating deals and so having an agent that will do it for you is ideal.
As you can see there are many reasons to hire a real estate agent when selling your home.